News From the Mac D Support Group

At April’s meeting, eleven people were present at the Center, with one participant joining via phone. Additionally, Zoom attendance was introduced for a trial run. We will keep using Zoom to enable those who cannot attend in person to participate in the support group.

The meeting included discussions on using the Podcast App and updates to the Seeing AI App. The session covered how to open the app, browse preset podcasts, search for podcasts, and use the library to save them. For the Seeing AI App, a new feature was introduced that allows users to execute commands via Siri, making the app fully functional with voice commands. Although the Seeing AI app has helped read short texts, documents, product descriptions, and currency values, using the commands has been challenging for those with low vision. With the new update, once configured in the settings, users can operate Seeing AI and its camera functions simply by saying commands like “Recognize Currency.” For instance, by pointing the camera at a bill and saying “Recognize Currency,” Siri will analyze and respond, e.g., “Ten Dollars.”

This group meets at the Center on the first Wednesday of the month and is open to the public.