We’re Seeking a New Executive Director

Media Contact: Kevin Harkins
860 886-0762
South East Connecticut Community Center of the Blind

The South East Connecticut Community Center of the Blind is looking to hire a new Executive Director to serve as it’s Chief Operating Officer. The Center is a 501C3 corporation serving the social, educational and advocacy needs of blind and visually impaired people in our region. The position is part-time, ideal for the applicant who is detail oriented and has experience interacting with persons with disabilities. Those wishing to apply for the position should visit www.centeroftheblind.com.

“While compensation for this position is modest, the rewards associated with helping the blind to maintain productive, independent lifestyles are immeasurable”, said the Center’s president, Scott Skinner.

The SE CT Community Center of the Blind was founded in 1972 and coordinates monthly dinners, lunch & learn programs, field trips, support groups, braille classes, and a host of other activities and services
for members. A small retail area features magnifiers and other aids for the low vision and blind.

The Center’s current Executive Director, Wendy Lusk, has been involved with the organization for nearly forty years, and plans to continue on as an active member, while traveling and enjoying retirement with her husband.

To learn more about the South East CT Community Center of the Blind or to complete an application, visit www.centeroftheblind.com.