Annual Summer Picnic at Harkness

Members enjoying the delicious picnic at Harkness

What a perfect day for a picnic! With a cool, comfortable breeze off the ocean, about 60 new and returning members attended this year’s event. Chef Lusk prepared an Italian macaroni salad, coleslaw with vinaigrette dressing and fantastic vegetarian baked beans. Hamburgers and hotdogs, grilled to perfection, were served by the chef and sous chef, Wendy’s grandson. Watermelon, chips, cookies, and brownies were available to snack on. Although we didn’t get to play everyone’s favorite BINGO, Wendy surprised the members with a refreshing treat of Mini Melts for dessert. Mini Melts of Norwich donated and delivered the ice cream treats.

As with any event, it wouldn’t have been a success without many helping hands. Special thanks to all our volunteer drivers, setup people, and waitstaff as well as Dave Lusk who “supervised” the cooks.

Rick & Laura enjoying the delicious picnic at Harkness
Beautiful day at Harkness Beach!
Chef and Sous Chef