Lunch & Learn Emergency Preparedness

Kris Magnussen from Ledge Light Health District discussed emergency preparedness for individuals who are visually impaired or blind. She covered Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), highlighting how various groups, like Transportation, Communication, Firefighting, and Public Health, keep everyone informed before and after an emergency. Members were advised to inform their town emergency manager of any disabilities. Key vulnerability risks, such as floods, weather, and pandemics, were identified and prioritized. Methods of receiving alerts, whether by phone, text, or social media, were discussed, along with disaster preparedness tips. It’s crucial to know what essentials to take, such as medicine, hearing aids, personal papers, prescriptions, and food supplies. Kris provided some links to some resources:,, and Sign up for CT Alerts.

Sixteen attendees, both in person and on Zoom, had some good questions for our host to take back and work on, too. Lunch was chef salad, rolls, fruit, and eclairs.