Website & Email Updates

Our non-profit organization recently transitioned our web domain from a .com to a .org to better reflect our mission and values. The .org domain is traditionally associated with non-profit organizations, charities, and other entities that serve the public interest, which aligns more closely with our commitment to making a positive impact in our community. By adopting a .org domain, we aim to enhance our credibility and clearly convey our non-profit status to our audience. This change also helps distinguish us from commercial enterprises and underscores our dedication to transparency, trustworthiness, and the greater good.

Our new website address is, which is identical to our previous site in terms of content and functionality. If you happen to enter the old .com address, you will be automatically redirected to our new .org site.

In addition, we also recently transitioned from using personal Gmail accounts to a dedicated business email system to enhance our professional image and improve operational efficiency. Using business email accounts, which incorporate our organization’s domain name, provides a more cohesive and credible representation to our public. This change also allows us to implement better security measures, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and reducing the risk of data breaches. Additionally, a business email system offers more robust administrative controls and collaboration tools, facilitating smoother internal communication and streamlined workflow management, ultimately supporting our growth and mission more effectively.

Our new email is [email protected]. Any mail to [email protected] will be forwarded to the new address for a time. Please update your address book with the new address.
The new email for the newsletter is [email protected]. The old newsletter address will forward to the new one.

We discovered that Google offers free business mail and Google Workspace to non-profit organizations. After meeting all the criteria and receiving approval, we were able to create new email addresses. This transition allows us to save approximately $350 annually on business suite expenses!