A Colorful Visit to the Hartford Artisans Weaving Center

Members enjoyed a creatively inspiring morning at the Hartford Artisans Weaving Center, where a unique artisan program teaches weaving to people who are blind, visually impaired, or 55 and older. The level of craftsmanship was remarkable!

With the help of over 40 volunteers, the looms are set up to create beautiful items like rugs, shawls, towels, napkins, baby blankets, baskets, and handbags. The center also offers weaving and basket-weaving classes to the public. Training in the art of hand-weaving takes about six weeks, and our members were excited to try their hand at the looms.

On the way back, we stopped for lunch at Family Pizza in Colchester.

Visit the Hartford Artisans Weaving Center website for more info.

A weaver snaps a photo of her beautiful work and thread colors.
Everyone gathers around a weaver to feel the fine cloth on his loom.
Sandra inquires about the program with two employees in front of a table with weaving samples
The loom presents an unexpected contrast to the modern laptop beside it.
A closeup of threads on a loom
A colorful shelf of finished weavings
A group gathers to observe the progress on a weaver's loom.